Frequently Asked Questions
1. The patient is pregnant, the term is 13 weeks. She lives at one address, but is registered at another. She rents an apartment and is not officially registered at the place of actual residence. In which medical institution should she be registered for pregnancy: at the place of residence or at the place of residence?
The patient needs to attach herself to the polyclinic at her place of residence, and then register for pregnancy with a gynecologist. The clinic where the patient was attached should do the following:
Record the actual address of the patient in the exchange card (forms No. 077/y and No. 048/y).
Inform the local health authorities and medical organizations about the move to the new address.
A source: Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 26, 2021 No. KR DSM-92 “On approval of the standard for the organization of obstetric and gynecological care in the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Record the actual address of the patient in the exchange card (forms No. 077/y and No. 048/y).
Inform the local health authorities and medical organizations about the move to the new address.
A source: Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 26, 2021 No. KR DSM-92 “On approval of the standard for the organization of obstetric and gynecological care in the Republic of Kazakhstan”
2. What is the algorithm for attaching to a PHC subject?
The patient can attach to the PHC at the place of residence by contacting in person or submitting via the E-gov web portal.
attachment to a polyclinic
attachment to a polyclinic
Пациент может прикрепиться к ПМСП по месту проживания, обратившись лично или подать через веб-портал E-gov.
Пациент получит талон или уведомление через E-gov о прикреплении, либо мотивированный отказ.
Источник: Приказ МЗ РК от 13 ноября 2020 года № ҚР ДСМ-194/2020” Об утверждении правил прикрепления физических лиц к организациям здравоохранения, оказывающим первичную медико-санитарную помощь”
3. Is it possible to attach a child to a clinic if the parents are citizens of the Russian Federation with a temporary residence permit (RVP) (the child was born in Kazakhstan)?
Migrant workers with RVPs can attach a child to a polyclinic by submitting an application personally to the polyclinic specified in the IUD contract.
Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 13, 2020 No. KR DSM-194/2020 ”On approval of the rules for attaching individuals to healthcare organizations providing primary health care”
Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 13, 2020 No. KR DSM-194/2020 ”On approval of the rules for attaching individuals to healthcare organizations providing primary health care”
4. If a patient attached to a clinic in October, can they receive services in this organization immediately after reattachment or only from January 2025??
If the patient is attached due to the “attachment campaign”, then he will begin to be served in the new clinic only from January 1 next year. If it is attached for another reason, it will start to be serviced from the moment of attachment
Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 13, 2020 No. KR DSM-194/2020 ”On approval of the rules for attaching individuals to healthcare organizations providing primary health care”
Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 13, 2020 No. KR DSM-194/2020 ”On approval of the rules for attaching individuals to healthcare organizations providing primary health care”